Article writing and its different types and objectives.
Article writing consists of three parts in its process they are as follow: Title, Introduction, Body and us

y: "arial" , sans-serif;">What is an Article and what are its different types and use?
An article is a bridge between fiction and fact. Here, one has the liberty to express his/her views using an informal and enticing language. It is a process of creating a non-fiction text about current or recent news, items of general interest or specific topics. They are published in print formats, such as newspapers and magazines, or online.Article writing consists of three parts in its process they are as follow: Title, Introduction, Body and us

1937 Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs released
The movie made by Walt Disney Productions was the world's first full-length animated feature film and it was based on a German fairy tale of the same name by the Brothers Grimm.
Objectives of Article Writing:
An article is written with the following objectives:
- It brings out the topics or the matter of interest in the limelight
- The article provides information on the topics
- It offers suggestions and pieces of advice
- It influences the readers and urges them to think
- The article discusses various stories, persons, locations, rising-issues, and technical developments.
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